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    CeboSi Universal AS

    Water-based acrylic-siloxane finish for interiors and exteriors, washable, semi-covering.

    Acrylic Finishes

CeboSi Universal AS

Water-based acrylic-siloxane finish for interiors and exteriors, washable, semi-opaque. It allows you to create refined glazes and shaded effects, with a deeply matte appearance. All plaster and civil substrates are suitable, if properly prepared. The application of CeboSi Universal AS on the different types of bases proposed allows the creation of multiple decorative effects.

Surface treatment

In the presence of recent smoothing, new walls, chalky or absorbent surfaces, clean the surface perfectly and first apply the CeboFix M insulating fixative in one hand, with a brush, diluted 1:1 with water.

Pennellato effect application cycle on CeboQuarz

CeboQuarz is a fine-grained quartz paint with excellent adhesion, coverage and outdoor resistance characteristics. CeboQuarz, colored in the same shade as CeboSi Universal AS and diluted 10-15% with water, is applied with a short-haired roller, in one or two coats, until the surface is completely covered. Once CeboQuarz has dried, apply CeboSi Universal AS with the CeboSi brush, available in 2½ and 4 inch sizes; spread the product with crossed brushstrokes, avoiding sharp squares. To obtain a more uniform finish it is possible to apply a second coat of CeboSi Universal AS, in the same way as the first coat.

Spatolato effect application cycle on CeboStrong

Apply a coat of CeboFix R diluted 20-30% with water with a roller and wait for it to dry completely. Apply the first coat of CeboStrong with a steel trowel and carefully smooth the surface. Once the first coat has dried, apply CeboStrong with the same steel trowel and achieve the desired aesthetic effect by working with crossed and irregular strokes. Before complete drying, go over the surface again in order to lightly flatten the raised parts. If the product is too dry, moisten with water spray. Once CeboStrong is completely dry, apply the first coat of CeboSi Universal AS diluted 10% with water; spread the product with a brush and, using a synthetic sponge, distribute it evenly over the surface. Once dry, apply the second coat in the same way.

Application cycle for Sbrecciato effect on CeboStrong

Apply a coat of CeboFix R diluted 20-30% with water with a roller and wait for it to dry completely. Apply the first coat of CeboStrong with the Shark 3 steel trowel using the smooth parts and carefully smooth the surface. Once the first coat has dried, apply CeboStrong diagonally and in a uniform thickness, using the toothed side of the Shark 3 trowel; then smooth the product using the smooth sides of the same trowel. While the product is still wet, dab or scratch with the CeboSign tool in an irregular manner, always respecting the direction of the processing. Before complete drying, smooth the surface with the steel trowel, lightly crushing the raised parts. If the product is too dry, moisten with water spray. Once CeboStrong is completely dry, apply the first coat of CeboSi Universal AS diluted 10% with water; spread the product with a brush and, using a synthetic sponge, distribute it evenly over the surface. Once dry, apply the second coat in the same way.

  • product use dilution (water) approx.coverage tool drying time colour
    fixative CeboFix R interior/exterior 20-30% 10-12 m2/L min. 24 h white
    base coat CeboQuarz interior/exterior 10-15% 8-10 m2/L 6-8 h CeboKit & CeboCol
    base coat CeboStrong interior/exterior ready to use 1,5 m2/L 6-8 h white
    finish coat CeboSi Universal AS interior/exterior ready to use 8-10 m2/L on CeboQuarz 4-6 h CeboKit & CeboCol
    finish coat CeboSi Universal AS interior/exterior 10% 6-8 m2/L on CeboStrong 4-6 h CeboKit & CeboCol

  • If more than one pack has to be produced in the same color, it is advisable to use bases and colorants carrying the same batch number.

    5 L 25 ML 50 ML
    3 L 15 ML 30 ML
    1 L 5 ML 10 ML

    5 L 25 ML 50 ML
    3 L 15 ML 30 ML
    1 L 5 ML 10 ML