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    Finish with Real Metal Powder Available in Steel, Bronze, and Brass Variants.



Finish with Real Metal Powder Available in Steel, Bronze, and Brass Variants. This finish is used to create surfaces with a high aesthetic impact, characterized by the typical shine of polished metals.

Thoroughly mix CeboMetals Base (A) with CeboMetals Polvere (B) until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained and then add and mix in CeboMetals Additivo (C).
Note: CeboMetals must be used within 24 hours of mixing.

Application of CeboMetals
On fully dry CeboFix Primo (6-8 hours), apply the first coat of CeboMetals with a stainless steel trowel until the surface is completely covered, and allow it to dry completely (6-8 hours). Proceed with the second coat, applying the product with the steel trowel and troweling to achieve the desired texture. To facilitate subsequent polishing, ensure the surface is smooth and compact after application. Allow it to dry completely (at least 24 hours), then polish with a machine using abrasive discs in the following sequence: grit 400-800-1000-2000-4000. Finally, re-polish the surface with the stainless steel trowel.

Application of CeboMetals with CeboMarmo or CeboSynt
Apply CeboMetals as an alternative to one of the chosen CeboMarmo effect colors. Follow the same procedures indicated for achieving the selected effect with CeboMarmo or CeboSynt.

Application of CeboMetals with CeboArt Model - Design effect -
On fully dry CeboFix R, apply a coat of CeboArt Model to obtain the desired base effect. Apply a coat of CeboFix K, diluted 1:4 with water, using a brush until the surface is saturated and allow it to dry completely (at least 4 hours). Once dry, align and secure the stencil to the wall with masking tape. Apply CeboMetals with a stainless steel trowel, ensuring to cover the stencil evenly, starting from the edges towards the center, being careful not to soil the back of the stencil. Then, place a second stencil next to the first and repeat the process as needed. It is recommended to remove the stencil while the product is still wet. Any imperfections can be sanded once dry. Allow it to dry completely (at least 24 hours), then polish with a machine the treated parts with abrasive discs in the following sequence: grit 400-800-1000-2000-4000. Finally, re-polish the surface with the stainless steel trowel.

Upon completion of the treatment, it is necessary to protect the surface to slow the natural oxidation process of the metals. Use CeboWax (for walls only) or CeboSkil Lucido + CeboCat (for both walls and floors).

Application of CeboWax
On a completely dry and dust-free surface, apply a coat of CeboWax diluted 1:1 with water using a synthetic sponge. Apply the wax in the direction of the finish over approximately 1 sqm and immediately wipe the surface with a soft cloth to remove excess wax. Wait 10-15 minutes, then polish with a machine using a 4000-grit disc, and subsequently re-polish the surface with the stainless steel trowel. If any areas are less shiny after drying, a second coat of CeboWax can be applied.

Application of CeboSkil
Before applying CeboSkil, ensure the surface is dust-free. Apply the first coat of CeboSkil Lucido, mixed with CeboCat and diluted 20% by volume with water, using a short hair roller. Allow CeboSkil to dry (at least 2 hours) and apply the second coat. Wait for it to dry (at least 6 hours) and apply the third and final coat. Allow it to dry completely (at least 24 hours), then polish with a machine using abrasive discs in the following sequence: grit 800-1000-2000-4000.

Note: CeboSkil mixed with CeboCat must be used within 3 hours of mixing.