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    CeboLike- Anti-condensation finish

    Breathable matte finish, anti-condensation, and mildew resistant.

    Acrylic Finishes

CeboLike- Anti-condensation finish

CeboLike: Breathable finish for indoor water, based on hollow microspheres, with anti-condensation and resistant to mold. Applied on CeboPaint TS01 allows to create surfaces with delicate light-dark, obtained thanks to the light materiality of the finish: thus offers an alternative to the solid color of CeboPaint TS01, maintaining and improving its features.

CeboPaint TS01: Breathable paint for indoor water, based on hollow microspheres, with anti-condensation and resistant to mold. Thanks to the high content of microspheres, it is an excellent remedy to reduce the problem of thermal bridges inside the premises; This phenomenon is increasingly frequent, especially in buildings where major renovations have been carried out both inside and outside. The application of two or more layers of CeboPaint TS01 even the wall temperature and reduces condensation formation which, in most cases, is the first cause of mold formation. The finish looks matt and velvety to the touch.

Surface treatment

Check that the media are uniform, perfectly clean and dry. In the presence of recent shaves, puff or absorbent funds perform a perfect cleaning of them and apply beforehand the insulating fixative CeboFix M in one hand, brush, diluted 1:1 with water. If there is mold, you will need to remove it using CeboMold wall cleaner.

Application of CeboPaint TS01

New walls or plasterboard: apply one coat of product by brush, diluted to 40% with water, followed by two coats of product diluted to 25-30%, applied by roller. Wait 4-6 hours between hands.
Already painted walls: apply two coats of roller product, diluted to 25-30% with water. Wait 4-6 hours between one coat and the other.  

Application of CeboLike

On the prepared with CeboPaint TS01 white completely dry, apply 10-dilute CeboLike15% with water, proceeding to uniform crossed strokes and taking care not to leave during the application of excessive product. After drying of CeboLike (minimum 4-6 hours), apply the second coat in the same way; to avoid creating unsightly working splices, it is recommended to work in the opposite direction from the first hand.

Note: CeboLike can be applied in one coat; in this case CeboPaint TS01 must be previously colored in the same color as the finish.


Values of permeability to steam CeboLike applied on a hand CeboPaint TS01
V 301,0 g/(m2 d)   sd 0,0698 m

Classification of the degree of permeability to liquid water according to UNI EN 1062-1:2005
V0: Not declared
V1 High: V > 150 and sd < 0,14
V2 Average: V 150 and 0.14 sd
V > 15 and sd < 1.4
V3 Low: V 15 and sd 1.4

  • product use dilution (water) approx.coverage drying time colour
    fixative CeboFix M interior 1:1 10mq/L 4-6h transparent
    primer CeboPaint TS01 interior 40% 13-14 mq/L 6-8 h CeboKit - CeboCol
    paint CeboPaint TS01 interior 25-30% 9-10 mq/L for coat 6-8 h CeboKit - CeboCol
    initura CeboLike interni 10-15% 10 mq/L (one coat) - 7 mq/L (two coats) 4-6 h CeboKit-CeboCol

  • If more than one pack has to be produced in the same color, it is advisable to use bases and colorants carrying the same batch number.

    CeboLike CeboKit /05 /1 /2
    5 L 12,5 ml 25 ml 50 ml
    3 L 7,5 ml 15 ml 30 ml
    1 L 2,5 ml 5 ml 10 ml