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    Water-based multi-support finish, based on polyacrylic resin, for interiors and exteriors.

    Acrylic Finishes


Water-based multi-support finish, based on polyacrylic resin, for interiors and exteriors, applicable directly on different supports (suitably prepared) such as metal, plastic, wood, plaster walls, plasterboard and concrete and ceramic surfaces. CeboKing boasts high mechanical and washing resistance, excellent coverage and whiteness. The use of CeboKing on concrete, wood and ceramic floors is recommended for residential use only.

To use CeboKing on ceramic floors and walls in bathrooms or kitchens and surfaces subjected to frequent cleaning, the subsequent application of the catalysed CeboSkil transparent finish is necessary.

CeboSkil: transparent water-based protective finish, two-component, based on polyacrylic resin, for interiors and exteriors available in the versions: Glossy - Satin - Matt.
CeboSkil catalysed with CeboCat it has excellent washability and mechanical resistance characteristics and is certified for use in environments with the presence of food (HACCP).

Surface traetment

Untreated metal: degrease, brush and thoroughly clean the surface with alcohol, sand and dust well. On ferrous materials, apply anti-rust products beforehand.
Painted metal: degrease and thoroughly clean the surface with alcohol, sand and dust well.
Plastic: degrease and thoroughly clean the surface with alcohol, sand and dust well.
Untreated wood: prepare the surface with anti-tannin products to avoid yellowing.
Pre-treated wood: degrease and thoroughly clean the surface with alcohol, sand and dust well.
Ceramic: degrease and thoroughly clean the surface with alcohol.

CeboKing application

CeboKing is applied on completely dry and moisture-free surfaces, in two coats, after adequate dilution with a short-haired roller or brush. Wait 6-8 hours between the first and second coat.

CeboSkil application

CeboSkil catalyzed with CeboCat and diluted with water, is applied in two coats on a perfectly dry CeboKing (minimum 24 hours), with a short-haired roller suitably unloaded using a tray. Wait at least two hours between the first and second coat. CeboSkil catalyzed with CeboCat must be used within 3 hours of mixing.


Two days after the end of the application of CeboSkil, the floors can be walked on; after 7 days the surfaces can be washed with water and neutral detergents; after 10 days the mechanical resistance (abrasion, compression, etc.) is reached.


Painting system suitable for environments in the presence of food.
• Suitable for walls and surfaces, for which mold resistance is not required
Can be washed with:
o Detergent A – chloroactive
o Detergent B – alkaline degreaser
o Detergent C – acid descaler
o Detergent D – general purpose disinfectant
• Resistant to stains from:
o 10% aqueous solution of acetic acid (1.1)
o 10% ammonia aqueous solution (3)
o Instant coffee (6)
o Undenatured ethanol 96% v/v (9.1)
o Condensed milk (10% fat content) (11)
o Olive oil (12)
o Breakfast black tea (16)

  • product use dilution (water) approx.coverage tool drying time colour
    finish coat CeboKing interior/exterior : Roller 10-15% - Paintbrush: 15-20% 7-8 m2/L in due mani 6-8 h CeboKit & CeboCol
    protective CeboSkil interior/exterior 20% 12-14 m2/L for coat 2-3 h transparent

  • If more than one pack has to be produced in the same color, it is advisable to use bases and colorants carrying the same batch number.

    CEBOKING Bianco CEBOKIT: /1 /2 /4
    4 L 25 ML 50 ML 100 ML
    2,4 L 15 ML 30 ML 60 ML
    0,8 L 5 ML 10 ML 20 ML

    2,4 L 120 ML
    0,8 L 40 ML